Fine Art & Specie

Fiducia MGA offers a Fine Art and Specie product primarily for SME operations which includes private collections, exhibitions, dealers and precious metals.

This capability provides our partner brokers with a product which will enable them to access this growing and lucrative market in the UK and beyond, with wordings to support those who have never looked at this class of business.

Backed by two leading Lloyd’s Syndicates and developed following a rigorous approval process, the facility allows a maximum liability or sums insured of $10 million (circa £8 million) per risk.

Fiducia can deploy the capacity on a primary or excess of loss basis in respect of individual risks.

Risks domiciled in the UK, USA ( on a surplus lines basis) and Switzerland can be written direct. Reinsurance on a Worldwide basis is also permitted excluding Europe unless restricted by International Sanctions.


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