Marine Equipment

Fiducia MGA is a company who bring innovative products and services to market. We are solving the problems we have seen in our industry and those which you have consistently told us about.

Fiducia’s Underwriting facilities are backed 100% by leading Lloyd’s Syndicates and Insurance Companies, which are evolving, growing and meeting the needs of their customers and Clients.

We offer an exclusive Insurance product providing All Risks’ of physical loss or damage to marine and subsea equipment whilst in transit, in store, whilst topside aboard vessels or whilst operational in water on a 24/7 basis.

Target Trades include:

– Commercial Diving Contractors

– Offshore Service Contractors

– Aquaculture Service Contractors

– Oil and Gas Exploration Services

– Alternative Energy Providers & Servicing

– Universities and Colleges

– Oceanographic Mapping and Monitoring

– Environmental Safety/Pollution Control

– AUV, ASV, ROV, USV & Gliders


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