
Fiducia MGA’s Terrorism policy provides cover for an act of terrorism or sabotage which results in physical damage and business interruption. Cover extends to business interruption suffered by the client that is not the result of property damage for e.g. denial of access and/or loss of attraction. Capacity of £250m any one occurrence (with higher limits potentially available).

Pricing flexibility:

– Adverse risk selection does not apply – pick and choose locations to insure – insure some of the properties, not all

– Opt for a first loss policy limit, float sums insured across all premises for simplicity

Target clients include:

– Property owners especially those who wish to insure on a first loss basis &/or have a floating sum insured across all their property portfolio

– Retail clients located on the high street, in retail parks, shopping centres

– Hospitality industry – hotels, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and bars

– Entertainment venues, sports stadiums

– manufacturers of any type

– tourist attractions

– any client who has a Business Interruption exposure and where access to the property is crucial to generating profit, earnings or income


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